Solar Powered Remote Security Systems

Manage your solar powered cameras, two-way audio communication and sensor systems.

Safeguard your property and asset
Smarter access control
Secure operation and direct communication

JF Low Voltage Systems

TechnologyOur Current Supplies

  • Victron Energy

    Victron Energy Equipment sets the standard for the industry. Remote management capability for monitoring and control.
  • Verkada Security

    Verkada protect people and property. With an easy-to-use web and mobile platform Verkada is perfect for your remote security needs.
  • Lino Vision

    Lino Vision provide Industrial G5 router, POE Switch to power camera and audio. The heart of remote security is reliable internet connectivity.
  • Eco-Sources

    With a limited space in remote security system, the Dual Axis Solar Tracker provides 40% better PV performance on same space.

About Us

We are licensed by the California Contractor License State Board with the CLSB number 1119230.
We are bonded with a Contractor License Bond by Pro-builders Insurance Agency.
Servicing Southern California.

Ready to Talk to Us?

Have someone from JF Low Voltage Systems contact you.